Our bouquet of mixed multicolor roses is a celebration of vibrant beauty and timeless elegance. Featuring a harmonious blend of roses in various hues, this stunning arrangement is designed to captivate and delight. Each bloom is carefully selected for its freshness and radiant color, creating a lively display that suits any occasion. Perfect for expressing joy, love, or admiration, this bouquet brings a touch of color and sophistication to every heartfelt moment.
- Small: rose pink 7, alstroemeria 3, greenery, decoration, bow.
- Standard: rose pink 11, alstroemeria 5, greenery, decoration, bow.
- Large: rose pink 19, alstroemeria 9, greenery, decoration, bow.
Our bouquet of mixed multicolor roses is a celebration of vibrant beauty and timeless elegance. Featuring a harmonious blend of roses in various hues, this stunning arrangement is designed to captivate and delight. Each bloom is carefully selected for its freshness and radiant color, creating a lively display that suits any occasion. Perfect for expressing joy, love, or admiration, this bouquet brings a touch of color and sophistication to every heartfelt moment.